Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It is sort of cliché that we begin, literally a couple of days before thanksgiving, to think of all the things we are thankful for. We seem to become more mindful of our blessings as the frenzy for the perfect turkey continues. My feeling of being blessed and thankful is beyond measure and is a constant companion to me. I understand the nature of why I am blessed and showing that I am thankful is the “least” thing I could do. How do you show it ? You live it every day of the year and not just the week that traditionally we pause to “count our blessings”. You see, most of the time, I can’t count mine. This year, in particular, there are so many, it’s ridiculous. But maybe your definition of a blessing determines how many you got to count. According to Webster: Main Entry: blessing Function : noun Date: before 12th century 1 a: the act or words of one that blesses b: approval , encouragement 2: a thing conducive to happiness or welfare 3: grace said at a meal. So, based on that definition alone one can quickly see why there would be so many. In the Bible, in Proverbs 28:20, it says, “A faithful man shall abound with blessings…”Or how about this one, “Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.” W.T. Purkiser. and finally this from C.S. Lewis, ”When we lose one blessing, another is often, most unexpectedly, given in its place.” This unexpected blessing is always a significant one as it reminds us that God knows us and is near and watching over us and really knows what we need when, many times we do not. I received a HUGE and TOTALLY unexpected blessing this year. It was called the RIDE:WELL BIKE TOUR. Nothing, and I do mean N-O-T-H-I-N-G, could have been any more unexpected from my God. He really went all out, and “far out”, on this one. But the totally humbling and amazing thing is , He knew. The fact that He knew, still brings me to tears. He knew, before I even talked to Aaron and David. He knew before I said anything to my wife because He told her what to say. It could have all been so different at so many points , I cannot begin to tell you. But, He knew and continued to show me “all things are possible” when obedient. Blessings came in so many ways and from so many directions during the entirety of the ride. It would take a long time to individually list them. The paradox of it all was as we were being blessed, we were blessing others. And, the great thing is that many times we didn’t realize this. As the definition above states “ the act or words of one that blesses” pretty much sums up the bike ride. We blessed a lot of people by the simple act of repetitively turning pedals day after day and just talking to people and speaking our hearts and sharing our love for Jesus. I very much remember standing on a stage in Tyler Texas and receiving a standing ovation from the crowd who had come to hear a concert. I thought, fighting back the tears, who am I…I just ride a bike. It was there that I realized this crazy thing that I am doing is a blessing to a lot of people who I don’t even know. And I am sure that there were many more that I wasn’t even aware of. So, the thanksgiving season has unusual significance this year for me and I hope it does for you too. After the turkey is consumed and the football is over and the post turkey nap is in maybe, just maybe, we will remember to look for the blessings in the most unusual and totally unexpected places.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

remember My word...

So, today I was shopping at one of my favorite stores…Goodwill. First I have a couple of observations before I get to the main point. I was shopping at Goodwill “back in the day” before it was considered chic and uber cool. I shopped there because I got it and saw how wasteful people were and wasn’t too prideful to wear “recycled clothes”, I just didn’t tell anyone. Now, everything has changed and I find a whole new crowd perusing the aisles for a bargain. It really does look like some kind of upscale shopping mecca here lately. I actually enjoy just going and looking and listening to the giddy shoppers sizing up the degree of their bargains.

So, on my way to check out I thought I would quickly just scan the book section. You never know what you will find and this day was no exception. I was totally amazed at how many bibles in various translations and conditions I found on the shelves. It just caught my eye at first and then I began to search in earnest. There were at least 20 various bibles available for purchase. Now I have, over the years, discarded many things and have taken them to Goodwill, but I am sure I have never discarded a bible. Maybe it’s just me but the bible is not something I think of casually discarding along with out of style or too small clothes and mismatched china. I do have a number of bibles in my house in various translations and sizes. It just seems like a really weird thing to take to Goodwill. Maybe what bothers me is the totally anonymous manner in which it is discarded. I guess if I was going to get rid of a bible, I would give it to someone or send it to a missionary or anything besides putting it in the “collection box” at my local Goodwill store. It isn’t like I have some unhealthy or unnatural attachment to the bible itself. It’s a book, I get it. I just try to imagine the circumstance or situation where I would throw it out. Perhaps, “wow, this book is really old…” or “I have already read this book a couple of times…” or maybe this one “this book is just taking up space in my life…” People usually get rid of things because they no longer have any value to them. WOW. People usually get rid of things because they are considered clutter. WOW. People usually get rid of things because there is no longer any utility in that thing for them. WOW.I am not really sure if I am reading too much into this or not but I simply cannot imagine casually tossing out a book that has so much significance in my life and the lives of many others. There are actually people right now having to smuggle bibles into places because of the truth contained in that book. Clearly, that truth frees people and those who oppose the bible have a vested interest in keeping people captive to their lies and in bondage. Hello, China and the 10/40 window… As I write this there are people who risk their lives to ensure that this book, casually discarded at Goodwill, gets into the hands of someone standing between hope and hopelessness. I guess that makes it a different kind of book to find a bunch of, at Goodwill, say, than a worn copy of Dr.Zhivago. But, to some of us…maybe not.

Friday, November 7, 2008

So, I’m sitting on the bench …waiting…to be put into the game. I have trained hard for this moment and I feel especially confident that God will use me. I have “suited up”, I’ve studied the opponent, have learned the plays….C’mon God…put me in the game. Can’t you see I’m dying here? I can help “our side” win. Seriously, God, I’m ready…this is the big game…this is the one I’ve been waiting for. This pretty much sums up how I feel a lot of the time. I am waiting for the next big thing, that big opportunity to show God what I can do for Him. Sadly though, I am going through the agonizing process of learning this is not what God wants from me. As famed writer, Herni Nouwen says, “Waiting is not a very popular attitude. In fact, most people consider waiting a waste of time. Perhaps this is because the culture in which we live is basically saying, “Get going! Do something! Show you are able to make a difference! Don’t just sit there and wait!” For many people, waiting is an awful desert between where they are and where they want to go. And people do not like such a place. They want to get out of it by doing something. In our particular historical situation, waiting is even more difficult because we are so fearful. One of the most pervasive emotions in the atmosphere around us is fear. People are afraid—afraid of inner feelings, afraid of other people, and also afraid of the future. And fearful people have a hard time waiting”. I particularly do not like the waiting part and many times I do, in fact, feel like I am in that awful place between where I am and where I want to go. And for me my natural inclination is to help God along in “putting me into the game” by busying myself with trying to show God how ready I am. WRONG. Not what God wants at all. He made that clear in Luke 10:38-42, when it says, “As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." Ah, it’s the age old dilemma…doing versus just being. I so long for God to use me and place me in situations where I can serve Him in extraordinary ways. I have always wanted God to use me to reach out to touch the lives of other people, to be of service for Him and for others in unimaginable ways , to be a useful and valued part of the Body of Christ. I am so busy looking for the big things I realize I quite often miss the small things. I have agonized and wrung my hands needlessly wondering why God just won’t use me for this thing or that. The truth hit me full on and it was that there is a significant difference between God’s desires and mine. Whoops… So, let’s see…God’s desires…not mine, be still and don’t busy myself with things of little importance… Hmmm and finally wait on God and don’t be fearful.WoW. I think these are challenges for all of us as these are the pressures that bear so heavily upon us in our daily lives. A daily prayer for us all is Psalms 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God…”. In that stillness we are reminded of the ever present voice speaking as it always has and always will. There is no need to fear the wait because this is what God wants and He tells us “blessed is he that waiteth”. So, I wait and I am learning that that’s ok.