Well,...God has picked a real big one this time. It's OK though, because I'm up to the task. You see, God has a long history of taking the most ordinary, everyday people and doing extraordinary things through them for His glory. And trust me, I am an ordinary-out-of (physical) shape "50 something" as there can be. BUT,... I have a servants heart as big as Texas. I cannot possibly explain in any rational terms how this bike trip across the US even seems plausible. I do know that the speed in which things are moving is way beyond my abilities. I do know that God blesses those who bless others. I do know that God is a God of provision. We all have have made choices in our lives and traveled many different roads.For many of us, those roads have been hard and full of potholes and detours. Sometimes we have gotten lost on those roads and wondered if we would ever find our way back home again. In our fear and frustration some have cried out to God to provide direction. You see, now days we have many types of GPS systems to help us navigate and keep us from getting lost. But, there is only one GPS system you really need. I call it Gods' GPS. G.P.S.= Gods'-Perfect- Salvation. Or another is Go-Pray-Serve. Whichever name you choose, one thing remains clear and that is we are called to be witnesses to the world and we are to serve others. There is no other choice. I am ready for an exploit for God.
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