Matthew 4:18-20 KJV
I have read this passage many times and recently received a revelation entirely different from what I previously thought. You see, God has this way of showing you in a subtle way hidden truths each time you read the Bible. This is the great and amazing thing about when you read the Bible hungry for God to reveal these truths to you. He will ! So, here it is, Jesus wasn't just talking about fishing nets here. What was shown to me is Jesus was speaking here in a figurative sense as He often did. He was telling Peter and Andrew, and us, to drop their "safety" nets not their fishing nets. What is a safety net ? It is that thing that catches us when we fall. For some this is a spouse, friend etc. and for others it is their 401k or that elusive social security check waiting at the end of our working years. Everyone has some type of safety net that they rely on in one manner or another. Jesus knew this when He called Peter and Andrew to come and follow Him. Not only were they dropping their literal fishing nets but they were dropping all that they had relied on before Jesus came walking by. What is your safety net ? What are you relying on for your "catching" you ? Where is the source of your strength and protection ? Isn't it just an incredible thing, to think about, that no matter the nature of your stumble or fall, Jesus is ALWAYS there waiting to catch you. When you truly release your grip on that net you so stubbornly cling to and follow Him you will know a sense of freedom and boldness that will allow you to be blessed in unimaginable ways.
1 comment:
I see this verse as a way to live. When people ask who you are, I often hear banker, cook, and candlestick maker but in all actuality, I am a servant and follower of Jesus. Everything else is trivial. I often forget that my prayers should always start with glorifying things in his name. I ask for family and friends first and me last but I often forget to ask for things that would bring glory to his name. My selfishness is up front. Dropping my nets is letting go of me and letting Jesus in. He is the beginning and the end. That is one of the biggest lessons I have learned by letting Jesus into my life, that I am not the center of the universe. My fears are still there but today I have hope. Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins and opening the door to eternity.
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