Thre is so much power in the words we speak. We have the power to either wound or heal. Jesus always chose to heal. In Matthew 8:8, the centurion, with an ill servant, said to Jesus "but only speak a word and my servant will be healed." Jesus did and it was done. That quick. That simple. People may not often remember what we do but our words can have a lasting impact. Our words can linger long after we are gone. Our words can set the atmosphere and either fuel discord or be instruments of peace and understanding. I have been guilty, in the past of wielding words as weapons to belittle, intimidate and beat down people who loved me. It took me a long time to realize that these words were spoken in fear. I lacked understanding and thankfully that understanding did eventually come. But, at a price. What I realized was that we have power in our words to bless or curse and it a choice we exercise every day to do either. What will you do ? Bless or curse. I think many times we underestimate the power of what we say. In Isaiah 55:11 it says, "so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." I sometimes think of the amount of words we speak in the course of a day. I have become mindful of this verse from Isaiah and pray every day that my words will be fruitful and bless and prosper in an intentional way. I am an encourager and am amazed how the simplest kind word spoken in love can have a powerful effect, sometimes practically instantaneously. Which will you be ? How will you choose to use your words ?
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