Sunday, April 13, 2008

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27 NIV

I think God makes it abundantly clear that we are under a mandate to stand in the gap for these widows and orphans of the AIDS pandemic no matter where they live in the world. We can no longer assume that someone else will or can do what is our duty as a follower of Christ. I am so deeply touched by the scope and severity of this crisis that I cannot be quiet and sit idly by and do nothing. I am moved into action by a distressed cry I can plainly hear reverberating across the entire world. And this cry gets louder and louder as more and more children are orphaned on a daily basis. Where will it stop ? How can it stop ? The immensity of the problem can appear to be so overwhelming that we are stunned into inaction believing it is just too big. Is it too big for God ? We must allow God to work through us to do what we can and must do on an individual level. This is a situation where the sum of the parts will achieve Gods intended purpose. We must not allow indifference and apathy to paralyze us and blind us to the great need for individual action. If there is ever a time in your life when you are really needed to step up and allow God to manifest His desire for those affected by this global disaster, it is now. God is calling you to be the one. God is asking you to abandon all your preconceived notions about this disease and reach out in love and give like there's no tomorrow. Because, for millions of these children there will be no tomorrow...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Mike,
I got into your "On The Road To Redemption" page as I was researching in the internet. I didn't have time to go through all your blogg, but did see the video about the AIDS situation in Africa. It made me cry.
I am from Mozambique, but I've been living in Brasil since 2000. Is there a chance we can keep contact by e-mail? I have become a Christian a little longer than a year now, and I'm learning to look at my country with different eyes. I really would like to keep contact with you and "hear" about your experiences in Africa.
I'll be glad to read from you. My e-mail is:
I thank God that he has raised people like you, and for your work and love towards my people. May God bless you abundantly.
In Christ,